Sunday urban exploration on mtn bike ride

The mountain bike can ride anywhere and everywhere, so we did.
We started with a gentle, but leg muscle-searing ride up Olmstead ride to the summit of Mont Royal. Then zoom down Cote des neighes right through downtown until we reached Griffintown. Here we zigged and zagged a bit on some urban offroad adventures, then crossed the Lachine Canal and zigged and zagged some more through Verdun and Point St-Charles. We examined the giant monument at the entrance to the Victoria Bridge memorializing the 6000 irish immigrants who died crossing the ocean in 1846/47. From here it was up through the vieux port and old Montreal and east on Notre Dame's secret viaduc elevated street. Some hops and drops at the skateboard park under th PJC bridge, then the rain hit and we headed home, passing by the grove of megafauna in Lafontaine Park. This group of giant trees is unique in Montreal.
To make a long story short, we explored, and then we explored some more.
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