My favorite Chateauguay Valley ride

Chateauguay Valley road ride map
(click map to view large version)
Map legend
Green Dots - Chateauguay Valley Complete
Red Dots - favorite short Chateauguay valley road ride (this blog post)
Purple (blue?) dots - tour de chateauguay river (Howick to Powerscourt)
I did my favorite short Chateauguay valley road ride again, this time it was my season opener for 2007.
This is Ormstown -- Dewittville -- Rockburn -- St-Antoine-Abbe -- The Rock (St-Pierre) -- Tullochgorum -- Ormstown.
The route: Go to CVR, (west of Ormstown on 138A) -> Dewittville -> turn left to Rockburn (all the way to concession 1), turn left, follow most southern road in Quebec, take Route 209 south uphill, turn (before US customs!) left on Covey Hill Road, after a few miles of new pavement, turn left at fork in road, on "Mtee" Covey Hill, turned right on Brooks, to 202 (right, and endure a mile of busy road), then left on 201 north downhill to St Antoine Abbe, at northern tip of town, turn right at gas station (north) then right on road that will turn north to the Rock/ Reserve ecologique Pins Rigide, continue downhill to St Pierre (where the headwind hit again), then I turned west (left to Tullochgorum road to Ormstown.
Weather was combo of spring perfect sunshine, and some headwind and cold cloudy. 60 km ride, this is an old favorite ride of mine, that takes you through numerous eco-zones.
Checking back, I did this ride as my season opener last year too. here's how I described it then: click here
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