The after-work Estacade and Seaway ride

Over the mountain and across the river on the Estacade
A good after work ride is to ride to the bike path along the strip of land between the St-Laurence river and the St-Laurence seaway, I call it the seaway bike path.
Once you get there, there are no cars. It is flat. The air is maritime. it is a great place to bike.
Getting there involves some choices, I like to ride over Mt Royal to take Atwater and the Estacade at nun's island (ile des soeurs), and come back by Ile-Notre-Dame and Ile St-Helene and the pont Jacques Cartier bridge.
Either access point can be done as an out-and-back ride, you can also ride south on the seaway bike path for a long car-less ride, to St-Catherine locks, this is highly recommended if you haver the time.
Going there via the mountain and Atwater is a bit death-defying so a safer, all-bike-path alternative is to take the Route Verte #1 from the Lachine canal/Old Montreal, to Parc Drapeau and at Ile Notre Dame's western tip you arive on the seaway at ecluse St-Lambert locks.
This is typically a 90 minute ride for us.
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