Cycle Fast: leave the camera at home

Action-packed 65 kilometres with 850 metres of climbing (and glorious descending)
We went back to favorite-destination St-Jean-de-Matha for a ride (so soon?) because Tuesday's ride was rained out. So with an earlier start and better weather forecast (but those big scary clouds were still there) we drove, parked, and got riding!
We rode at a considerably higher calibre today due to leaving one of the gifts (and curses) of humanity behind: the time-wasting, dawdle-inducing camera. Yes, after a recent ride marred by endless and incessant stopping for pictures, we decided to take the ride serious and leave the camera at home so we could just... RIDE!
And ride we did. Hard uphills, long downhills, great scenery, moderate distance, and we got home time for for supper, which is a nice change. We like this ride a lot, and recommend it for anyone tired of the "Lachine Canal and Camellien Houde" routine.
And it was great. In fact, we think this area is paradise. And we enjoyed it at a very exceptionally fun level.
Besides St-Jean-de-Matha, this ride passes through Lac Noir, Ste-Emilie-de-l'Energie and Ste-Beatrix and the Ste-Beatrix entrance to the Parc regional des Chutes-Monte-a-Peine-et-des-Dalles-a pause which offers a great view of on top of a narrow canyon on the riviere l'Assomption.
This ride is on our list of top-ten favorite quebec bike rides. Highly recommended.
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