Tour des lacs dans Montréal

A few lakes and ponds for your summer enjoyment.
What better way to enjoy summer than a trip to the lake? Montreal has a few lakes and ponds, and this bike ride takes you from the St-Laurence river in the old port through the Plateau (Parc Lafontaine) and Outremont, up to Beaver Lake in Mont Royal park.
Now, you can't swim in any of these lakes. But you can admire the aquatic wildlife and enjoy the peace that sitting beside water provides.
For a shorter, and still excellent ride, you can ride from parc lafontaine directly to Parc Mont Royal on Rachel street bike path.
Ride safe!
Here's the link to the map on Bikely for the Tour des lacs dans Montreal.
OK, the lakes of Montreal is a bit contrived, a meek substitute for the real thing. For the real thing, we remind you that Montreal is an island, and it has dozens of miles of excellent riverside waterfront.
Exploring our island is a great way to spend some quality time enjoying life. Our geography is one of the things that makes Montreal's quality of life so excellent. Check it out.
And a bicycle is the perfect vehicle to check it out with.
(Cycle fun's mission statement states: cycle + fun + Montreal = happiness)
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