Why do recycling trucks drop broken glass everywhere?
Why do the recycling trucks drop broken glass everywhere?
Unneeded flat tires are an additional challenge to riding a bicycle in the city.
Elected representatives of the Plateau Mont-Royal arrondisement (borough), we're talking to you.
thank you for noticing this, I thought I was the only one.
Recycling is now collected in bags on le Plateau. I don't think this glass comes froms recycling trucks. We have been told - but still have to investigate - that it might be a deliberate action by some bike-haters freak.
the location of the glass and the weekly frequency of the evidence makes us strongly believe that it is the recycling trucks that leak broken glass. We are 99.9% sure of this.
"Elected representatives of the Plateau Mont-Royal arrondisement (borough), we're talking to you." -> I hope you've done more than rant on your blog. :) Contact them at: http://ville.montreal.qc.ca/portal/page?_pageid=98,1482442&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL
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