Sunday, March 13, 2011

High performance design show at UQAM design school

You can check out some high-performance consumer products including some fancy bicycles (yes, the usual exotic wankfest time-trial bike that is basically of no use to anybody anywhere outside of a few hundred competitors worldwide) at the exhibition going on now at the "High Performance/sport, design et innovation au Canada" show at the ÉCOLE DE DESIGN at UQAM.

1440, rue Sanguinet, Montréal
Coin Ste-Catherine
Renseignements :
514 987-4479

It's a nice example of aspirational product marketing, and totally worth the 15 minutes it takes to see it. This show was created as an ad for Canada for the Vancouver Olympiques.

And in case you think we are down on the show, we really liked the sea-kayak that disassembles and packs in to a large dufflebag.


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