Saturday, December 16, 2017

Easy bike-path and country-road combo rides south and southwest of Montreal

This is my preferred area to ride middle-distance easy rides (60 to 130 km) on an incredible variety of perfect country roads. 

These rides start in St-Bernard-de-Lacolle and start and end on the Sentier Paysan bike path.  Then it is one, two, three, four, or up to ten hours of quiet scenic country roads. Literally any length ride you want, all on top quality smooth quiet scenic country roads.

You can ride 60 to 160 km on totally on country roads outside of towns and all civilization, or you can hit a village or two if you want to. But you have the choice of zero villages too.

No matter what route and distance, the last hour of the ride is back on the bike path going directly back to the start point.

Remember to pick up end-of-ride refreshments at the Esso depanneur at the road you'll cross between the autoroute underpass and St-Bernard-de-Lacolle village where you parked the car (and where there are no services at all).

Finally, it is an easy drive to get here on Autoroute 15 Sud. (Caveat: Turcot, so I note that you can get to A15 sud via Autoroute 30 from a variety of bridges that are not named Champlain.)

Just the bike path 60 km

Hey you've gotta start somewhere!

Short Version with loop (60 km)

St-Bernard-de-Lacolle to a loop on nice roads east of St-Chrysostome

Longer version (82 km)

St-Bernard-de-Lacolle to a bigger road loop including St-Chrysostome village (full services)

You have choice of a shortcut with only .9 km (Rang St-Michel) of Rt 203. The route on the map is 5 km on Rt 203 using Rang Norton Creek South. Either way will return you directly to west end of bike path

A bit longer again (115 km) and adds the excellent Havelock and Covey Hill segments

 Plenty of wow on this ride.

OK, you are in Ste-Chrysostome, and you want to go west, a lot, and on easy roads?

This might be your best ride of the year. Many of these roads are Quebec's best. I guarantee this.