Montreal bike path maps

If you are looking for a map of Montreal area bike paths, the booklet "Pedaler Montreal et ses environs" is a great map booklet from Velomag (link).
Here is the link to all VeloMag's excellent guidebook (link) -- I have found many excellent Quebec rides in these guidebooks. Detailed maps are included. They fit in a large Ziplok bag.
The booklet Pedaler Montreal has 6 maps. These are detailed maps for Laval, the South Shore, the West Island, The "east island", all the Montreal island, and the central downtown area.
The booklet opens out to 8 1/2 x 14 inch size. so the maps are full size, paths are color-coded by type of bike path, and it even show the metro stations (this is a good thing if you need an emergency ride home).
I picked mine up at Renaud-Bray bookstore chain.
I have an earlier edition of this booklet from a few years ago. I can report that there have been major improvements in the bike path network since then.
The maps in this booklet show the Montreal bike path network almost.. almost... going through downtown. The downtown maps in this guide show a proposed bike path along de Maisonneuve from Berri to Atwater (Westmount), where the long-existing de Maisonneuve path goes west. It has been waiting for an east-west downtown link for decades. Maybe 2007 is the year we finally get it.
Buy this map!
Another great thing about this map booklet: it only costs five dollars. That's less than 5 litres of regular grade gasoline costs.
This booklet is the best single source for a Montreal cycling map of the piste cyclable/bicycle path network.
If you want an online map of Montreal, go to Velo Quebec's VĂ©lo en Ville section here: link.
Here's the link to the pdf of the map itself. It is identified as "Les Bandes Cyclables" on the left side of the Velo en Ville page. In my mozilla I can't view it, but it downloads just fine (right click mouse, and choose "save link as...").
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