some new bike path news

Bits of new bike paths are appearing, here's an article on some improvements in Rosemont.
You can do a nice evening loop ride with taking St-zotique east to big O and coming back via bike path on Notre dame. Connect the two on the axe-Berri north-south. (St-Zotique is large blue dots at top left of map)
Rumour has it that the bike path along the side of the train track separating the Plateau Mont Royal from Rosemont (a fun after-work or evening short ride) will, eventually, one day (in my lifetime?) continue past the present-end at Home Depot and continue all the way to the top of the island, at Pont Perry.
The train track bike path is the red dots in the middle of the map, beside the train tracks (north side of tracks, the non-plateau side).
Le maire de l'arrondissement a participé à maintes reprises aux discussions en cours entre Outremont et la ville centrale. Il ne voit pas l'utilité de déposer un mémoire. Selon lui, le développement tel que présenté est positif pour l'arrondissement et les projets de développement local – le 6000 Saint-Denis, les ateliers municipaux, la voie cyclable le long de la voie ferrée – tiennent compte de l'arrivée de ce nouveau joueur dans le tableau.
This would be good because... Presently it is an on-steet bike path to the north shore of Montreal Island. The continuation of this trail along the train tracks would be off-street, a big improvment in safety. and the ability to relax while riding. The present on-street bike path axis north isnt relaxing, with cars and kids, and garbage, and stress. A good direct transportation link (downtown should be so lucky!), but it's just not a relaxing ride.
I would really like for this to happen because I live in Laval and I would use a bike path to Downtown if it would be there, its much better than using the roads!!!
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