Saturday, May 03, 2008

Monteregie Cycling tourism packages

The Montéregie is the vast region to the east, south, and west of Montreal. There are many cycling possibilities. There are many bicycle paths, and plenty of country roads for many hours of happy summer cycling. Tourism Montéregie has spent considerable effort and expense to develop bike paths, create bicycle tourism maps for both bike path cycling and open-road cycling, and to distribute these excellent maps to about everyone in the province.

Now they are offering bicycle trips. La Presse saturday travel section (note to Gazette readers, have you noticed how pathetic and tiny the Gazette travel section has become? You should take a look at La Presse on Saturday to see what a good travel section looks like) has an article on this new bicycle tourism development. It answers the question, I'd like to do a nearby to Montreal bicycle trip, but where to go and how to organize it. In this case, these trips are close to home and they do the organizing for you.

Sounds like a win-win situation. And, yes, we strongly support local low-impact tourism!

The article is not yet up on their cyberpresse website, but you can get more information on the Monteregie bicycle maps and bike tourism suggestions near and far (i.e. bike rides you can bike to from the city and the ones you that you will need to drive to the starting point), the bike tourism packages (called forfaites in french) by visiting the Montéregie tourism website (click here, french only).


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