East Hereford Mtn biking
We returned to East Hereford (SE of coaticook) for some mtn bike riding, a combo of single track and then forestry roads to the summit of the mountain.
We rode Quartz, then troll, then a long uphill ride on roads to the Summit, where we were rewarded with an amazing view. We could see the tip of Mt Washington!
Coming back we rode Valloneuse and Sapiniere and then finally la Noire. Both Valloniere and sapiniere were considerably more rugged than we had imagined. Sapiniere has two stream crossings.
Stats: 46.5 km, lotsa hours, and perfect weather
East Hereford village from Sapiniere (hills in background are in NH)
It seemed that we had missed a turn because the trail/road ended in a swamp far uphill (lots of uphill bike pushing!), so coming back we tried the alternative, and found this fallen trail marker arrow buried in some brush. It felt good to be back on the right trail, and we were pretty sure we would now finish the ride... today!
Take a minute and imagine how wonderful this Fir forest/plantation smells
Fresh moose tracks - a first for us
Plaque for Neil Tillotson on top of Mont Hereford, surrounded by markers for distant sights. "Be humble, be creative, be kind." Actually, that's pretty good advice.
The summit: lots and lots of hard uphill pedaling to get here. Yes, we're having fun!
Stream crossing on Valloneuse
Trail development in progress (link between Quartz and Sapiniere/Des Pins/La Noire intersection

Today's ride: red 1st half: single track on Quartz/Troll and the forestry-road ride up to summit, Purple dots is ride down from summit and double track back to village
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