Monday, May 03, 2010

Mont Royal new bike/pedestrian loop path update

The Gazette's Michelle Lalonde writes about the new Mount Royal "car-free ring road" that is presently being built bit by bit. This is amazing good news. Read it here.

The idea is to create a 10-kilometre-long gravel road, four to five metres in width, encircling all three peaks of Mount Royal as well as the cemetery grounds. The road will wind all the way around the mountain, parts of it tracing the outer limits of cemetery lands, parts winding into the forest and up the slopes to offer gorgeous views of the city.

When the project is completed, sometime over the next two or three summers, cyclists and joggers will have a safe, gorgeous, challenging 10-kilometre-long route on which to train or just meander.


At 6:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Une bonne nouvelle dans un sens, mais un peu contradictoire.

Les Amis de la montagne pour créer ce sentier vont couper quelques arbes, élargir certains chemins existants et augmenter la densité de circulation piétonne et cycliste dans certains boisés qualifiés d'écologiques. Lieux que l'on tente de protéger des cyclistes de montagnes et l'urbanisation.

Pourquoi ne pas avoir tout simplement, faire fermer Camilien Houde ou bien couper une voie aux automobilistes pour simplement éliminer cette voie de transit et par le fait même minimiser l'aménagement?

At 9:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stumbled upon your blog! I'm a student at McGill and looking for some good "PAVED" bike paths to go biking on (i have a road bike); preferably easy access from the McGill campus and... good bike path (i.e. NOT too many busy streets) Could you suggest any?


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