Riviere Rouge Ride
Our last few rides were on flat land. Very flat land. We like flats in moderated doses, but there's fun to be found in the hills.
So up the laurentian autoroute we went. Park in St-Jovite (now rebranded "Downtown Mont-Tremblant"), at p'tit train du nord parking, then weave our way through downtown, then very shortly we are out the open countryside. In the Tremblant area, this is a very nice place to be.
This ride starts in St-Jovite, then passes through a covered bridge as the we cross over to Brebeuf, at the Riviere Rouge. This river valley is the highly scenic route for todays ride. We ride north to La Conception, and then south to Huberdeau (and sometimes Arundel: check out the steam engine at the post office).
It is sort of a T-shaped ride, and this means we pass through Brebeuf in the middle of the valley three times.
We stopped for our break in Huberdeau. Ice cream cones were substandard, but the river-side park is as good as always. Riding partner had a lot of trouble reading/understanding/obeying the no-bikes sign in this park. It doesn't say no bike-riding, it says no bikes.

This is a favorite Laurentians ride
Laurentien hills into infinity
There are many, many scenic views on this ride.
Riviere Rouge at Brebeuf
This was a dirt road before, this ride is now 100% paved
Lots of sandy beaches along the riviere Rouge
The good news is that the dirt section between Brebeuf and La Conception has had the dirt-road section paved, now the ride is 100% paved. The bad news is that the roads in general are not that great.
The best news is that the scenery is so good, you don't really mind the roads.
The ride map is on bikely here.
This ride is based on one in the Tremblant area bike map brochure. You can get all these maps (cartes in french) at velomonttremblant.com.
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