Sunday, March 27, 2011

Urban bike ride to the North Shore of Montreal

Is this really better than no bike path?

One early season ride we like to do is to ride to the north shore of Montreal Island. It's not far, there's good scenery, and getting here and back can involve quite a lot of urban exploration. In other words, there's lots of potential for a fun and interesting ride.

We rode through TMR and ville St-Laurent. Two points of interest are the church that was moved from downtown and one of the oldest trees in Montreal.

This church was moved stone-by-stone from downtown Montreal.

Oldest tree in Montreal?

Next we rode along the north shore to the biggest tree in Montreal. (selon moi.)

Montreal's biggest tree?

Is this Montreal's biggest tree? We measured six metres around the outside.

You might also note the Tamarack/Larch (Méléze) tree at left. Oh, and the river in the back too.


At 8:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would say no, it's not better than no bike path. The reason being its placement. They paint those damn bike lanes right in the dooring zone.

At 7:06 AM, Blogger Gabriel said...

Moi je pense que oui c'est mieux que de ne rien avoir. C'est certain qu'il faut garder un oeil sur les portes de voitures. Toutefois les automobilistes sont de plus en plus conscients qu'ils ne sont pas les seuls sur les routes.

Le problème se situe, selon moi, au niveau de l'entretien. On répare seulement si la rue entière est à changée. De plus, les pistes cyclables seraient à repensées et à rénovées, mais surtout à entretenir tout au long de l'année. Nous n.avons pas un soi-disant réseau blanc? Faudrait en parler au maire du Plateau!


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