clean up this town
Bike paths reopen on 1 april. When they will get cleaned... and repaired is another question entirely.
We advise you not to have high expectations. On the other hand if you are a more proactive person, go to the Homey Depot and buy a real broom and then go clean a part of your favorite bike path, cycling route, short cut secret connection, sketchy corner, etc.
In a few days bikes regain control of our miniscule 0.03% of the road network.
That statistic is not factually based.

Take a close look at your tires. Do it now. Yes, a CLOSE look.
And then go and buy two new tires!
This chain has incurable grease cooties - you must wear rubber gloves to touch!
After a new chain and major cleanup effort: a clean and healthy drive train.
We are easily disgusted, but the Bertrand's chain had achieved that status. It was our fault, so we set out to make things right with our favorite bike.
And then we changed the front tire because it was time to change the front tire. The back tire has a few more rides in it, but we already got the replacement. Proactive? Us? Seems unlikely, but there's a new tire sitting beside me!
Can't wait to see those lanes cleaned. Montreal opened my eyes to the possibilities of safe travel by bicycle. On a trip with my wife, we saw the Bixi docks and learned from our hotel concierge about the bike path along the Lachine Canal. A easy trip to the Atwater Market for lunch, and we were smitten.
Then we tried the protected bike lanes on Boulevard Maison Neuve (I think). Soon two terrified-to-bike Americans were riding around town, eating and shopping.
I'm coming back with my brother this summer. Can't wait! And thanks for your strong advocacy, we promise to do our best to spend money and help Montreal's businesses.
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