Saturday, November 10, 2007

Best bike cities - Where's Montreal?

Wired magazine's autopia blog has a post asking "where are the most bicycle-friendly cities in the world?"

We all know Amsterdam leads the list--since bicycles account for 40 percent of all traffic in that city. Virgin has put together a list of the top 11 friendliest cities for bikes in the world, based on criteria advanced by the League of American Bicyclists. And what would those criteria be? Why, they're enshrined in the Five Es:

1. Engineering (bike parking, designated lanes, etc.)

2. Encouragement (events and campaigns)

3. Evaluation and Planning (ongoing political bodies that make changes to existing laws and plan for the future)

4. Education (bike maps and awareness campaigns)

5. Enforcement (making motorists heel)

And the 11 most bike friendly cities? Read after the jump.

1. Amsterdam

2. Portland, Oregon

3. Copenhagen

4. Boulder, Colorado

5. Davis, California

6. Sandnes, Norway

7. Tronheim, Norway

8. San Francisco, California

9. Berlin

10. Barcelona

11. Basel, Switzerland

Source: TreeHugger


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