Saturday, February 02, 2008

La coupe des Glaces 2008

I watched some of La Coupe des Glaces 2008 bike race on my way back from the Grande Bibliotheque on Saturday.

The race was on a course inside and out of the skating rink in Jeanne Mance park.

I watched the final for the rubber tire class.

The winner was smooth and cool, the second kept running into the first place racer, then wiping.
There was a mix of geared and ungeared bikes and a fixie won.

I'm more of a hill climber, but I did used to ride fixed gear bikes at the Olympic Velodrome, way back in the pre-Biodome days (curse you Pierre Bourque, you destroyer of the Olympic Velodrome!).

Anyway I didn't see any broken bones, but I did miss the qualifying races. I hope everyone was ok and no spectators froze any body parts.

Here's a video link for a Coupe des Glaces race last year held at the Bassin Bonsecours (Basin) in the Vieux Port, CFCF was there!

The race I'd like to see organized is a hill climb some summer day on Camelien Houde up Mont Royal.

Ride safe you winter bike fanatics!


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